Registration through Direct Selection Process

Schedule 2024

Mostratec 2024 will take place from October 21 to 25, in person.

Steps to follow to submit your project:

Steps Deadlines
1. Online submission

From July 8 to August 2

2. Announcement of the approved projects September 4
3. Announcement of the finalist projects – Affiliated Fair and Direct Selection Process

ATTENTION: All projects indicated by affiliated fairs are not selected by MOSTRATEC, that is, if they meet all the participation criteria and deadlines, they are guaranteed a vacancy


October 10

4. Fee Payment through Mercado Pago* October 10
5. Send the research paper to the e-mail October 13

*Projects from countries where Mercado Pago does not operate will be able to make the payment on accreditation (in person), just select this option during the registration.


Projeto participante do Processo de Seleção

  • Fill in the submission form online according to the scedule.
    • The Research Plan must be filled in online.
    • The other documents and forms must be uploaded in the submission form. Files should not be sent by e-mail.
    • The links for banner (PDF file on a shared place – cloud) and video presentation (YouTube) must be informed in the registration form.
    • The documents are analised by the Scientific Review Committee – SRC.
  • Check the list of the approved projects on the Mostratec website, according to the schedule.
  • Pay the fee according to the schedule.

Doubts about the procedures? Contact the Mostratec Team by e-mail: or by phone /WhatsApp +55 51 98464 7731

Doubts about the forms? Contact the Scientific Review Committee by e-mail: